Sunday, September 4, 2011

"I hope she'll be a fool-that's the best thing a girl can be in this world...

"I hope she'll be a fool-that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool."
                                                                                                  -Daisy, Chapter 1

Daisy utters these words as she finds out she has just given birth to a daughter. Based on Daisy's life as it is portrayed in the novel, why would Daisy choose to adopt this philosophy? Do you agree with her idea? Do all the women in the novel play the same "beautiful fool" role as Daisy? What effects do her beliefs have on her life? (Think in terms of her relationships with Tom and Gatsby) Do you think any women of today share this philosophy? Explain.


  1. I believe Daisy choose to adopt this philosophy because it was the life she was living, she pretended no to know about Tom's mistress and she made ignorant remarks throughout the book. Sadly, I must say part of me agrees with her idea. I beleieve to some extent every women in the novel lives up to this philosophy to some extent. I believe in her mind, her philosophy is creating a perfect little fairy tale, but in actuality its a big mess, she has a cheating husband who is suppose to be her night in shining armor, but she's still has hidden feeling for the bad guy Gatsby, in the end everything is going to turn out perfect but it isn't. Women of today, in their own way relate to this philosophy. Many women today would highly disagree with Daisy, but there are few that are very traditional and still carry on that belief

  2. Haley Rasnick,
    Daisy chose to adopt this philosophy because it works out perfectly in her life. She chose to act like the "beautiful fool" to not cause big issues in her life. She acted like a fool to everything bad that had happened in her life. I agree with her idea because that was the best thing Daisy could be. If Daisy didn't act as the beautiful fool I don't think her life would be as great as she wanted it to be or be played off as. All the women do play the role as the "beautiful fool" Daisy with her relationships with Tom and Gatsby. Myrtle with her relationship with Tom, by thinking that they may one day get married, or that he would ever actually leave Daisy. Jordan with her Golf Career. A main effect on Daisy's life is I don't think she ended up being with the guy she actually wanted to be with. I don't think any WOMEN today share this philosophy. WOMEN seem like much more to do the opposite of this philosophy. However, young girls seem to try and play this role.

  3. i think that she chose this life because she wanted ALOT of attention from others.i do not agree that women should be or act in such a foolish manner. they should be themselves no matter what others think! yes all the women in the novel do not act like themselves but as fools searching for attention. Her beliefs cause her to act dumb which makes rich people give her attention and yes i am sure women do this today to make men superior or feel smarter in intellect because their are alot of smart girls that can out think many guys! -Brandon Benard

  4. Daisy adopts this philosophy because it is what suites her best in her life. Daisy acts as a fool to grasp attention from men. Daisy being this way conquered Gatsby's heart and was what made Tom marry her. Daisy took the motive of getting what she desired and she thought that by getting that she had to act like a "beautiful fool." I do not agree with her idea , but that is what allowed her to get the lavish lifestyle she has. I think every woman in this story portrayed the same concept of acting as foolish women. Daisy of course, Myrtle with Tom thinking that they would get married one day and Jordan cheating in golf and acting it out.Daisy's role of the "beautiful fool," affects her in that she got what she wanted material wise, but not Gatsby. When she married Tom she cared for Gatsby but her foolish ways blinded her from seeing the true value of love. I belive there is ignorant women in modern day that still hold on to this philosophy.
    Woman who think that is the way to live, to grab attention. Naive girls who think guys will like them for acting like a fool(although there are foolish men who like this).

  5. Daisy chose to adopt this philosophy because it makes her life much easier. In the 1920's a woman was not supposed to speak intelligently and those who did were looked down upon. If she was beautiful all she had to do was act dumb and everything will be taken care of for her. Tom acts all "manly" for her because she acts as if she can't do anything for herself. So by acting dumb, she makes her man look smart and everything is good (according to her). I do not agree with her philosophy because I believe that no matter what your sex is, you should act intelligent. We should all be able to think for ourselves and not let anyone do it for us. We should be able to control our lives and that is not what Daisy wants to do.

  6. Daisy chose to adopt this philosophy because in her mind it was the easiest path to take for herself. She acts as a fool to grasp the attention of her friends and allow for men to take care of her because she appears as if she is unaware of everything. I have to disagree with Daisy's idea because I see it as that women should show themselves as the person they are to be and reveal how intelligent they are compared to some men. Myrtle nor Jordan played the same role as Daisy because Myrtle always attempted to say intelligent things to Tom even though they never made sense. Jordan also always acts herself and reveals to everyone that she is smart and knows what she wants. The beliefs effect her life negatively because if she hadn't been such a fool then maybe she wouldn't have been with Tom anymore due to him cheating, Myrtle would not have died nor Gatsby, and maybe she wouldn't have had to move around as much because of their lies. Women of today still share her philosophy because they believe that if they appear unintelligent then life will be handed to them more easy because people will pity and take care of them.- Alicia Wilson

  7. Daisy chose to adopt this philosophy because she believed it was the only way she could live a happy, stable life. Especially now that she's married, wealthy and has a child. She thinks that as long as she is ignorant to reality and behaves a fool then she won't have to deal with her responsibilities. This has a negative affect on her life because her husband is cheating on her, and she might be in love with another man but she has to remain a "fool" so she doesn't have to deal with it. -Lindsey Tonnesen

  8. Daisy chose to adopt this philosophy since she understood that men of this era in history preferred their women to only be seen and not heard and act like the perfect trophy wife. When she acts like a fool and ignores all the things that Tom does (like having a girlfriend), she pleases him and is able to avoid confrontation (which is something she seems to hate). Also she acts like a fool because it draws attention to herself (although in a somewhat bad way) which she always tries to do even by the way that she talks. I do not agree with her philosophy because women should not act stupid just so men will like them. They should be strong-minded and willing to speak their mind not fools who stand by and watch as their husbands cheat on them even though they probably know it. Most of the women in the novel do play the, "beautiful fool," that Daisy plays. Myrtle will do anything for Tom even though he is embarrassed of her and beats her. Also most of the other women who are not seen as much in the novel seem to act very shallow and foolish. Although Jordan seems to be a little more strong-willed than the other women portrayed in the novel which is seen when she breaks up with Nick at the end. The effects of her beliefs lead to her having a cheating husband, a poor relationship with her daughter, and another man who is not her husband that is in love with her and gets shot partly due to this love. I do think that some women today do share this philosophy because many girls today act very shallow and foolish just to get men to like them. - Matthew Greene

  9. Daisy acts helpless because it fits her life style. She wants to be rich and never have to do anything for herself. Even though her husband is cheating on her, she is still rich and thats what matters to her. If she is happy living her life the way she does then I agree with her. The other women in the book don't play the beautiful fool role. Myrtle tries to be smart and classy, and Jordan just isn't a fool or helpless. I'm sure there are women today who share Daisy's philosophy of acting useless to get what they want.-Alex Colling

  10. Daisy adopts this philosophy because she believes it is the best way for a girl to be a success in life. She believes this because that is how she gained status in her life. Even though she was born into money, she still portrays this attitude. I don't agree with her philosophy, I believe that everyone should earn their place in life. They shouldn't put on a facade. I believe that most of the women in the novel use this technique. Except for Jordan, I believe there is more to her than a pretty face and ditzy attitude. Daisy's attitude causes her to be completely dependent on Tom for everything in her life. Therefore, she is trapped in her marriage. Without Tom, she has nothing. So even if she wanted to be with Gatsby, I believe she is too scared to risk her status by jeopardizing her marriage with Tom. Many women have this attitude today. Well, less of women, and more of girls. But there are certain types of girls today that are trained to believe that they must find a husband to take care of them. They use this persona to attract men so they can use them. - Barack Jordan

  11. Daisy probably adopted this philosophy because that's what she tries to be. She tries to ignore Tom's absence at her daughter's birth, the fact that Tom is cheating etc. She would probably think that it would be easier if she was unaware of these things around her and to just be a trophy and taken care of. She hopes that her daughter will turn out to be "a beautiful little fool" so that she is unaware of the painful things that clever people find out during there lifetimes.
    -Krystal Midcap

  12. Omgg, it just erased my whole freakin' thing that was like an essay. Okay, anyways I think Daisy adopted this philosophy because this is what she thought was easiest for women, and that this way is what scores you a man, and because this is the life she was living. I don't agree with her idea because you shouldn't have to play yourself short. Why would you want a man to feel extremely inferior to you? And I mean, she was already wealthy, she just wanted the American Dream of having a wealthy husband and a wealth last name to go with it. To an extent, all the women in this book to play the roll of a beautiful fool, even though Myrtle wasn't exactly beautiful, she led herself on to believe that Tom was actually going to leave Daisy for her, and for what? At least Daisy looked good. And Daisy acted like she didn't know about Tom's affair, but she said little side comments here and there, and Jordan and her golfing lies, they weren't gonna last. And she's nosy, no one likes nosy, non-careful people.
    Daisy beliefs work out somewhat okay for her, but not for Gatsby. Gatsby ends up dead because of her, and heartbroken before the death, but Daisy still has Tom, and the house, so I guess she is fine, she just wont have anyone to screw around with later.
    I do think there are still women of today that put on the persona, but I also think some of them aren't acting, and that they are just plain dumb, and can't see the light. (MYRTLE). I think they do this because they feel that this is the easiest way to get a man, and the leading them on to believe that they are inferior to them makes them like the women even more. But I dont think you should play stupid for a man, once you start acting, your going to become stupid, in reality.

  13. Daisy chose to adopt this philosophy because it made everything in life easier for her. By acting as a fool, she received everything she needed from Tom. I do not agree with her philosophy because women play an important role in society, and by adopting this philosophy they degrade themselves and women as a whole. Daisy is the only woman in this book who outright adopts this belief. Jordan retains a sophisticated status throughout the entire novel, she would not get along so well with Nick had she acted as senselessly as Daisy. Myrtle may act a fool, but she does not believe in this philosophy, she truly tried to act as smart as Tom in order to gain his approval, though she fails to do so. Daisy's actions are why she remains with Tom, playing dumb about his love affairs, and not returning Gatsby's love, whom truly cared for her. Women today do follow this philosophy, especially high school girls and gold diggers either because they want things handed to them or do not think a man will like a woman as smart as or smarter than he. - Thomas Cummings

  14. Your comment was published.

    - Well why wasn't it posted the first time! Stupid :(

  15. I believe that Daisy choose to adopt this philosophy because of the fact that she think a life of following behind a husband is the right one to take on and wants her daughter to adopt this same life style that she has behind Tom. I do not agree with her idea and feel that she would be more defined as an individual if she didnt choose to adopt this persona. Other women in the novel do adopt some of these aspects as being a beautiful fool. Ex. Mrytle was cheating on her husband and Jordan cheats at golf. Her beliefs have negativly impacted her life in that they have led her to have no individuality and that she must always be labled as Toms wife in a sense. This is because she is caught between the two men and that her being a fool has led her to this. Some of these aspects are present in women today.-Brandon Day

  16. I believe Daisy chose to adopt this philosophy because she lived by it herself. Also, it states that Tom was not there when she delivered the baby. She could of been feeling very upset because he wasn't there. I agree with her idea because she lived by the idea and lives successfully by the theory. Sure Tom is cheating on her and Gatsby is dead because of her running over Myrtle, but she just keeps living a happy life like nothing is wrong. Yes I believe that every woman plays the "beautiful fool" role in the novel. For example, Myrtle plays it because she believes Tom is going to leave Daisy for her. As I already said, some effects are Myrtle and Gatsby's death. Also, Tom finding out Daisy's affair with Gatsby.
    Besides being a beautiful fool means you don't have to be smart and in IB. XD

  17. Oh my god, I wrote my answer and it got deleted. Butttttt here we go......
    Daisy uses this philosophy because she choses to not see what is happening in front of her like her husband cheating on her with Myrtle. Also I think that some of the characters some what live up to this philosophy and some characters like Myrtle are complete opposites than Daisy. The effects of these beliefs have on her life by getting treated like she could be walked all over, and not be aware of the things around her. And I highly believe that people live by this philosophy today and they act stupid just to get the guy they want.

  18. Daisy chooses to use this philosophy due to her lifestyle and the way she was raised. Her life seemed to be simpler and she received so much more attention when she acted this way. I do not agree with her idea due to it seeming as if she is a whole other person and not at all herself. All of the women in the novel do play this role, such as Myrtle believing Tom will really marry her one day, and Jordan acting as if she never cheated in golf, acting as if nobody knew. I think women today also live by this philosophy to dumb themselves down to be with someone who doesn't want a woman smarter than them.
