Monday, February 13, 2012

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction...

Post-Modernism was a reaction and a rejection of all of the movements and ideas that came before. The play we are about  to read, Hernani, is a Romantic play. Romanticism was a reaction and rejection of the rigid ideals of Classicism. It seems, especially in the last 100 years or so, that everything is a reaction and rejection of something else. No one is satisfied. Everyone pushes boundaries. Is this a good thing? Should everything be challenged and tested? Should all aspects of life be constantly evolving? Or is there ever a time when things should just "stand still"? Your thoughts....


  1. What makes life beautiful is that it is constantly changing. The only thing constant in life is change. We believe something and then we reject it because it is all a part of life. It is impossible to "stand still". I think everything should be challenged, but not to the extent of violence or to such an extent that it is considered rude.

  2. Life is a roller coast that has it's ups and downs, turns and loops. With every era that involves things like literature there is never a constant. Things are always changing and ideas are always popping up. Change is a beautiful thing when it is toward what is good. When we start to change things that should not be changed we then cause chaos. I do not know if everything should be challenging and tested,but for some apparent reason it seems it is.

  3. There are some things in life that should be challenged, such as the governemnt and our rights. There are many things that shouldn't be challanged like love, life, and happiness. Just like somethings shouldn't be changed and some should, some things should evolve and others shouldn't.- Sylvia Williams

  4. Pushing boundaries can be both a good thing or a bad thing. It is always good to explore and figure out new things and to go beyond what others have but to a certain point. Things like life and love should not be pushed because they are just things that happen and shouldn't be challenged. Everything around us is always changing and new ideas constantly come up. If things stay the same then there would be no diversity in our lives. Everything is a learning experience and you never know what will turn out good or bad until you try it.
    -Ashley Collins

  5. I think that everything should be challenged in some way, if it wasnt then we wouldnt be able to learn anything new in any way. I think that everyone should push the boundaries and that you arent the person you are if you dont push the boundaries you would be scared to do anything. But everything should be challenged and tested because what if it isnt right or if someone just told you something is right would you question it? And everything is constantly evolving, everyday that we live. I dont think that anything will ever "stand still".
    ~Taylor Stephen

  6. A change is good! Testing and changing things are what the human race is great at doing. Our ideas are going to evolve no matter what, whether the outcome is negative or positive. Exploring new ideas can be beneficial or a waste of time. It is nothing but chance! It is not whether it should or shouldn't be challenged or dissatisfying later in life, but if it will evolve into something useful or pleasing.

  7. Everything should be challenged and tested so that society can keep moving and evolving. It should never stand still because it can always be better. When we stop challenging things is when society stops advancing and we begin to lose rights. Always push boundaries and never just settle for the current situation.
    -Krystal Midcap

  8. I think its impossible for things to stand still in life. Like,.. everyone stated above, life is a roller coaster, there are exciting times, there are scary times. Everything is constantly changing because of everyone's different views on everything. That is what keeps the earth going. If things stood still, there would be no new discoveries, there would be no new medical findings keep the human race young and alive. We have to experiment, and push boundaries, in order to reach a new level. We will never be pleased, because we are greedy, but our greed is what has gotten us thus far, for the good and the bad.

  9. Boundaries should always be pushed. If everything in life was not pushed to a new level or extent we would be no where. IF people did not question life and the aspects of things that occur in our life we would be at such a dis advantage. I've always been told no matter what I am going to be, be the best that I can be at it. Push boundaries, question the unquestionable it just seems like a process to become farther and and better person. Of course there has been times where people have pushed boundaries to far but that is just a part of life.

  10. I am extremely proud to live in a world where everything is challenged an the tested is constantly being retested. Life is about improvement and change. You can do what you've always done and expect different results. Without change life is forever stagnant and I think that there should never be a time where things just stand still. As much as I might despise learning history I do appreciate it and the fact that it exists to prevent the same mistakes from occurring twice.
    - Kayla Barrett

  11. Like everything else in life, it is okay to push some things, but everything does have its limits. Certainly it is positive for people to challenge things in life because otherwise our world would have never moved forward, but of course there are some aspects of life that do not need to be changed as well though. For example, in psychology it was good for Pinel to challenge the accusation that people with psychological disorders had demons inside them. Due to him questioning this he said that instead they were just mentally ill and needed medical assistance, which led to the building of mental institutions. On the other hand, an example of something challenged that usually has a negative effect is the updating of technology. It is quite convenient to have everything at the snap of your fingers, but some things are not meant to be changed. Nowadays, with a phone it seems like we can just place all of our information into this single device and let it take care of the work. Humans having to think is not even a requirement anymore since everything can be copied off the internet or someone else will do it for you to get paid. I think that some boundaries should be pushed, but there reaches a point where some things in life are better the way they are and just focus on the things that actually need to be changed for the better.- Alicia Wilson

  12. I think the individual person should decide what they want to question. Society can do what they please, questioning or challenging the standard rules. But as an individual, you should decide how you feel about certain things. I think it's good to go against what society thinks if you feel passionate about it. If you settle for everything, you'll never know what else you can have. In education, you're taught to do your best and reach college so you can get a real job. Kanye West dropped out of college, because he didn't like what society had told him. As he would say, "Complacent career student, some people graduate but be still stupid." This basically means that some people will spend their entire lives going with what society thinks and they'll never live their lives. Kanye West dropped out and now he's a millionaire. I think he made the right choice. - Barack Jordan

  13. Life does not stop. There is no stand still in it. The only thing we can do is "keep moving forward" -Walt Disney. However, if things are not tested, there will be no fun or excitement in the world. If people that parkour never tested if they can jump from one building to another, we would of never had so much fun doing it. If newton never tested the theories of motion, we would all be chest pieces waiting for someone to move us. If you don't test something, you will fail
    -Giovanni Rivera

  14. I can't imagine us ever standing still. It's not in human nature to be still. Of course there have been times in the past where little or no progress was being made, but it always picks back up. In the past century our world has been moving faster than it ever has before, and I see no sign of it slowing down. We take things from one extreme to another, and we are consuming at an ever increasing rate. It's going to catch up to us soon. I guess what I'm saying is, I think it might be a good thing if we slowed it down a bit. Just for a while, to catch our breath.
    -Alex Colling

  15. I think constant evolution is a great thing. Maybe not nessacerly challenging every thing, however improving things is great. If there were to come a time where there was no need to move on then yes we should stop.....that isn't going to happen though and life moves on no one wants to be stuck inbound time they want to challenge and experience new things. So to keep life interesting keep on moving

  16. Challenging things and pushing the boundaries is a good thing. Without doing so, how would we ever accomplish anything? Look back 100 years from today, and see how far we've come. We could never have accomplished such feats if we had just sat back and accepted what everyone had set down before us. Life is always in motion and changing, so we have no reason to stop and wait for it to catch up with us.

  17. Boundaries definitely need to be pushed. If boundaries were never pushed then people would still view the earth as the center of the universe, then people would still view the earth as flat, and the United States of America would not exist. Since the world has never been perfect and never will be, then things do need to be challenged and tested so as to make the world a better place. People like to say that the fifties was such a better time but they look past the fact that during this time, segregation was still legal and racism was basically accepted as socially acceptable. If people would never have challenged and tested this belief system, then our country would still be torn by hatred. Life should be constantly evolving because if it was not then we would still be living in the past. This is bad because what they were doing then did not necessarily work. There were too many problems and we still have many of them becaus we have not learned from our mistakes. Therefore we need to learn from our mistakes and life needs to evolve so as to lessen these problems and make the world a somewhat better place to live
    -Matthew Greene

  18. I think that it is a good thing because the world always changing allows us to become our own individuals and not to be left looking the same all the time. I think everything should be challenged and tested because these tests and challenges help us to validate the objects. I believe that in order for a society to be successful its standing must be able to adapt to that necessary of the time.-Brandon Day

  19. I think the reason the world has evolved as much as it has is because we don't stand by and just accept notions of those before us. We thought the Earth was flat until someone challenged that. Even though it may cause conflict sometimes, I still think it does more good than bad.
    -Lindsey Tonnesen
