Monday, March 5, 2012

All is fair...or is it?

In Candide, Votaire makes fun of everybody and everything. Nothing is sacred. Today, we also feel free to make fun of everyone and everything. However, can satire go too far? Satire was originally used to bring about social change. Now, it is more about entertainment. Satire is supposed to make people uncomfortable sometimes, but does our modern satire (or even Candide's) cross the line? Do we not mind laughing at others but don't like people laughing at us? Or is all fair in this day and age? Please comment.


  1. Brandon Day- I think that satire can go to far when it affects the personal values of a group of people. I think that in some aspects our modern day satire does cross the line in its repeating of seemingly non important events. I think that as a society we like to made fun of others as long as it is wrong for them to make fun of us. Some of us are unable to treat others with such a satirical level and feel wronged when others make fun of them.

  2. I believe some satire can be taken too far. Such ass, jokes about deaths and diseases. I believe at times modern day people cross the line. Forexample stand up comedy, they often take very serious issues such as drug abuse and diseases and joke about them. Another example is when we make fun of people with no hair, to find out later that they have cancer. Today it's ok to laugh at someone but when the tables are turned it's a new story. We're so focused on ourselves, we don't want anything to make us look bad and we tend to feel bad when being picked on. -Sylvia Williams

  3. Our modern satire does cross the line and is taken way too far. Talk shows can take anything and be sarcastic while making fun of it, even if it is serious issues such as health problems or governmental issues. We do not care about laughing at these sarcastic jokes, but if it is about us, we look at it as defensive.

  4. Satire can be brought up in a joking manner but can also be taken to far. Once the sarcasm begins to personally degrade someone, then that is a little bit to much. Also when serious situations are being made fun of, it makes it seem like they are not even important and we shouldn't worry about them. Many comedians take major social issues, such as the war we are involved in at this time, and make fun of the situation. Everyone thinks that the jokes are funny but when the jokes are turned around and directed towards them, the situation completely turns around. Stand up comedians have been attacked by members in the audience for making simple jokes towards them and they just can't handle it. Our society is very self centered and it is not fair.
    -Ashley Collins

  5. For the most part, modern satirists do not take satire too far but there are times when they do. For example when they are making fun of very serious events which are causing people to be killed or go through extreme hardships. Even though satire is more for entetainment today than it was before in the past, it is still utilized for social change and bringing attention to social problems. Modern satirists use their humor to poke fun at things in society that they feel are problematic or stupid even if they are religions or people. This for the most part is not necessarily intended to harm these people but to draw attention to any issues that they have so that they can work on them and possibly change them. Even though many people might not like others making fun of them and laughing at them, they need to learn to laugh at themselves and to realize any problems that they have so as to better themselves. Although, satirists do take it too far whenever they make fun of people who really do not have problems and it is understandable that these people may become angry. Most things are fair for this day, but satirists need to know when to stop so as to not to offend someone for something that is not problematic and does not need to be changed.
    -Matthew Greene

  6. I think that satire can and does go too far sometimes, but however it does bring important topics to us in a way that the common people could understand. Yes satire can cross the line but it humors us so people dont really care until they are the ones being made fun of. Everyone can laugh at everyone else but when it gets turned onto you, you get defensive or you turn into a big cry baby.
    ~taylor stephen

  7. Satire does go to far sometimes. Music artist talking about one another, because they don't agree with their style of music, and making fun of it. It crosses the line when a group of people are made fun of, for no reason at all, but if they in turn do it back, then it become fair game. Its like setting fuel to the fire, one group doesn't have to so something back in order to get their point across. Now, coming from my perspective/experiences, whatever, Blacks have always been made fun of, well no wait, that crap really started when I got to high school. But anyways, they pointed out stereotypes that I would never have caught, and it was funny, but I guess I was kind of going against the odds as stuff progressed, it started to annoy me, because they brought up stuff that was, unnecessary. To be quite honest, I didn't drink cool aid until 8th or 9th grade! That shows a a lot right. But as the white man continued their stupidness, I started to point out qualities about them that was actually, natural (INBREDS!) But besides that, that just made me look ignorant because I know that was wrong, that's why I stopped, and they continued. Satire was once used to better candidates and election turn outs and things like, that, but now, being that royal butt-holes we are, have acquired it into everything else, and are doing something stupid. I laugh at anything that is funny, I don't care technically who it is directed at, even if its me. Ask then, I just happen not to care about much.

  8. Satire does go too far in today's society. Whenever I come home and see the news people are always being mocked and criticized for their actions. The political candidates running have been made fun of so much its past the point of being funny and yet people continue to do it. Our society tends to take serious matters at hand and turn them into jokes in order just to get a laugh out of someone. Satire is similar to everything else in the world, it is okay to an extent, but is negative once taken too far. People in our society have the need to pick fun at everyone and everything and if you simply go on YouTube you can find videos that reveal satire in them. Of course whenever someone is being made fun of it becomes wrong once that person strikes back and is offended by the remarks. We have become desensitized to pretty much everything and there are a lot of things that just about anyone will laugh at now.- Alicia Wilson

  9. Nothing is off limits when it comes to modern satire so it can sometimes cross the line. Although, it all depends, some people will find it funny while others will get offended. This can be reversed too, we love laughing at others, but we might get ticked when they laugh at us. Nothing is sacred to modern satire and everything is fair game. While some of this is satire is offensive, why have it any other way?
    -Krystal Midcap

  10. Satire can go too far when it goes overboard in the subject of religion. However, just because I think so it doesn't mean that people don't still make fun of the subject mercilessly. Satire was originally used to bring about change in social issues but how effective is it. The fact is that satire has really lost its touch. Satire doesn't bring about desired changes anymore because it isn't taken seriously. Whether or not the issue is fixed it will still be jeered. It isn't really the fact that satire is going to far, I just think that it's getting to the point where it's ineffective so now there is no holding back on the embarrassment.
    -Kayla Barrett

  11. I think these days, satire is used make people look bad. If people with power don't want to support someone, they use satire to make everyone else not support them. For example, there have been many satirical videos on political candidates, especially Sarah Palin. They got someone to look like her and this person enlarges the issues that Palin has so that people wont support her.

  12. Satire does go to far. In modern day we call it bullying. There is a difference between pointing something out and joking around about it and pointing it out and taking it over the line. Society loves it when people make fun of others, but when they point the gun on us, the situation is not funny anymore. It all applies to the term "Every man for them self."

  13. I don't think that satire goes too far because all the people are trying to do is bring their point across. People create music to get their point across to their audience so it should be the same for Voltaire and his novel and for the people of today. People are uptight in today's society because we tend to get easily offended and do care when others laugh at us. People attempt to make a joke out of things, but others fail to understand what they were really trying to say and make something else out of it.- Thomas Cummings

  14. Modern satirists go pretty far, but they do try to keep from crossing the line. People will sue for anything these days, and that’s pretty good incentive to watch what you say. I don’t think they go too far, most of the time, and if they do they’ll usually apologize for it.

    Anything is fair game now. We all like to laugh at people, but when we’re the one being laughed at that’s different, right? Honestly, it annoys me to no end when people will laugh at somebody else but get defensive and upset when the joke’s on them. If people won’t laugh at themselves they deserve to be made fun of.

    -Alex Colling

  15. I think in our time, you'll never be happy if you don't know how to laugh at yourself. I mean, sure, it can go too far sometimes (like when someone is trying to be mean) but at other times you have to remember that no one is perfect and everyone has something to be made fun of. What I think keeps satire from going too far, is just that, it's satire, everyone knows it's supposed to be funny, even if it's true, so it's not something to get offended over.
    -Lindsey Tonnesen

  16. Our modern satire shakes people off. Most of the times it is not that harsh, but all is fair in love and war. People in our society can go to the extreme. Of course we like laughing at others , but when the joke is on us it is bitter sweet. We get easily offended. In todays society with all that occurs I think satire is amazing in one way or another some people need to know how ridixoulous the things they do sound like when satirized.

    Fools are my theme, let satire be my song.
    Lord Byron

  17. sorry shakes people up

  18. Satire sometimes goes too far in my opinion. I understand the satire of issues that need to be addressed, but other things are unnecessary and ignorant. For example, the personal attacks on people by satirists is sometimes very offensive. I think satire should be used as a tool for the betterment of society or government. If an issue needs to be exposed, poking fun at it is a useful way. - Barack Jordan

  19. Its not fair that we make fun of people, and it is too far, however no one these cares about what is fair unless the unfair thing is being done to them. While some of it is good funny and humorous, some is highly offensive, However these days when some one is publicly made fun of they get fame or money off of it, so its a little bit better. If someone cant take a joke about them selves then they have no right to laugh at or make fun of other people, that is just how it is.


  21. Satires can go too far in some cases, depending on the situation. But like what Ashley said when sarcasm comes to downgrading there it is. Satire should be brought into things when it needs to be shown how outrageous some things actually are. In modern day the lined gets passed with comedians mostly. Also most people today jump onto the crossing the line quicker because they want it to be said to somebody before its said about them. All we care about is ourselves, and dont realize our sarcasm is beyond where it should be.
