Sunday, October 9, 2011

O! Brave New World....

No writer of the twentieth wrote about the future in optimistic terms. Visions of oppressive goverments, enforced conformity, the obsolecence of love and families and the obliteration of the individual are just some of the nightmare visions writers saw in their futures. Even more disturbing than their nightmares, are just how many of Orwell, Huxley and Bradbury's (just to name a few) fears became reality. How do you see the future? What do you think life will really be like in 50 or 100 years? What scares you? Excites you? What kind of life will your grand children and great grand children be living?


  1. What scares me most about the future is that we have become so desensitized to everything. The sad things that happen in the world no longer bother us...the starvation,the violence etc. If its not for the few people in this world who try to change things, those people suffering would continue to suffer. My grand kids and great grand kids might not even be able to understand that people suffer in the world and that is what scares me. I'm excited for the future because I think it would bring everybody closer and they could visit someone is Australia when they live in Florida and still get home in time for dinner :)

  2. I see the future the same as now. The only difference is the technology. We will be able to fly with jetpacks and skate with hover boards <--(back to the future XD). What I am afraid of is society growing unintelligent and more lazy the more we go into the future. What I am excited about is the technology and the problems we can overcome such as war. The life my children and grandchildren will live is a great life. A life where they can fly to school in 5 seconds and not be late for class, unless they feel like being late. You know what they say, "There's more to them than meets the eye."

  3. Curse you Maryam! i wanted to be first! :( that's not fair!

  4. I see the future more advanced than now and more problems worldwide than now. What scares me is that as time goes by people will forget the pure sense of living.What scares me is that there will be more finacial problems growing. That the greed of the man will be their corruption. That all the countries sadly, especially America will fall backward instead of going forward. What excites me is that I will be able to choose my life the way I live it and not let what happens around me bring me to a fall , but make me wiser and stronger. The life my grandchildren and great grandchildren will probably live be more advanced, but not as lively. They will see increasing wonders as well as horror.

  5. I believe technology will be off the walls. It's excited to think of like what else can be created? What can be made better than the Iphone or Ipad? I'm excited to see the new forms of technology. The worlds going to be very chaotic though. The amount of homeless people, criminals, poor people is going to increase dramatically. People are going to be a lot less happy and more depressed and the suicide rate is going to go up. People are going to be the death of themselves. Our president will be Chinese. China is going to dominated the United States and the rest of the world. We'll have more war's. Less real talent. There is literally no good talent already now, actually. The world is going to rise in temperature. GAS PRICES WILL BE OUTRAGEOUS! That will suck for my grand childen and gg children. I'm not scared of anything really. No one will go to school it will all be done online via webcam or just online classes. Yeah, so basically the worlds just going to be just more sucky than it is now.

  6. I feel in the future, technology will take over, families will be more sepereated,and the things we value today such as beaches and such will be ruined. As the generations come, they become more and more dependent on technology. Half of us don't take the time out today to be active or interact with our family and friends, this is causeing families to grow further and further apart. We are so careless as human beings, we waste and don't care where it goes, we're inly concerned with ourselves. So anything that harms the Earth we don't really care for unless he directly affects us. I believe this will lead to the earth self ditructing. I honestly don't believe I will have great grandchildren or live to see my grandchildren. Our world is slowly going out of control, and the only people managing right now are the Chinese, who are goina take over no doubt. Withing the next 50 to 100 years, we are going to be ruked by China, we are going to cut open our ozone layer with hairspray, life expectancy will decline, education will not be important, the government will vanish, and I won't be alive.
    -Sylvia Williams

  7. I feel that in the future, the value of human nature will be thrown out the window. Everything that we see as normal in society will vanish and a whole new era of technology will begin. Yes we have had a technology boom very recently but this will be much different. Like in Brave New World, everything will be processed and produced by assembly lines. Physical labor will be unspoken of and people will not have to even move outside of their homes to complete tasks. The world will be overtaken by the Chinese and Earth itself will be known as the Republic of China. The government will be overtaken and many revolts and wars will take place all over the world. This image of disaster does scare me. By the time this all occurs I won't be alive which is reassuring.

  8. I believe that in the future- as history has proved- That things will be the same as far as attitudes, government, morals go. Human nature will always remain the same there will always be opposing views and the government will never be able to satify both sides, and countries will always be seperated. Unity will always be impossible among the world. The technology will definately be more advanced, however peoples attitudes wont. Thats even if we live that long see the future.

  9. I see the future as a world full of technology, with things that will be far advanced for us to comprehend, the things you only see in movies. Things like holograms, things that you can just use with the flick of your hand. But I think that people will wont be really happy with it they will want more and more and more until they cannot get anymore. Also the thing that scares me is that people will over use technology and not appreciate it at all. Im excited about the new technology though. ANDDDD I THINK THAT MY GREAT GRAND CHILDREN WITH BE SPEAKING CHINESE BECAUSE THE CHINESE WILL TAKE OVER THE WORRRRRLLLLDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ~Taylor Stephen

  10. I see the world , relatively the same as it is now. There will be new technology (cars, phones, T.V.s and movies etc.) but I think history tends to repeat itself and it would be impossible to create this Utopian, stable society so I don't think our current way of life could be altered that much. This doesn't really scare me because I think that there will always be a balance in the world so it can maintain itself. It's exciting though because that is what makes the world entertaining, individuality and differences.
    -Lindsey Tonnesen

  11. I believe that in the future, we will have another technology boom that creates a whole new era. Our transportation will be by flying cars. All of the natural resources will be used up so we'll have to use solar power. Teleportation will also be used frequently. People will be able to get dressed in the snap of a finger. This scares me because we will become so technologically advanced that we will lose morals and meanings to family, as shown in Brave New World.

  12. I see the future as a lot worse than it is now. I see the future as basically consumed by war, poverty, and hunger because of the growing problems with terroism and revolutions around the world, the economic recession of now that I think will have a major impact on our children and our grandchildren, and the growing population that is already having problems with hunger. I do not see the future as having this surge of new technological advances like the Jetsons or something like that. I say this basically because fifty years ago people were saying that by now we would be living on the moon and driving flying cars but we are no where near developing those technologies right now. So I think that the technologies we have now will just be more perfected and more efficient but I do not think we will not be driving flying cars. I also see that China will most likely rise up and become the dominant world power leading the world into an era of Communism and oppression. I also think that in fifty to one hundred years the U.S. will no longer exist as a free democratic nation and will probably be under the control of Communist China. Life 50 to 100 years from now will probably be consumed by fear and oppression and will probably be more like Orwell's prediction of the future than Huxley's prediction. What scares me is that the problems that we have today like poverty, hunger, terroism, global warming, and pollution will escalate to extreme heights in the future because of the lack of action that we are taking to fix these problems today. Also I am afraid that in the future nuclear weapons might be used during some war that might submerge the world into a nuclear winter. Nothing at all really excites me about the future because I think that anything good done will be overshadowed by the horrid condition of the world. Unfortunately, I think that my children and grandchildren will be living lives consumed by oppression, poverty, hunger, pollution, and extreme heat caused by war, the rule of the Chinese, the economy, growing populations, and the failure to find ways to reduce pollutants and reverse global warming. Basically I have a very pessimistic view of the future.
    -Matthew Greene

  13. The technology of the future isn't what scares me. I'm fearful of the people in this world and how we oppress others that are different from us. I'm hopeful that one day we will reach a point of peace and happiness in the world, without fear and hatred. I fear the power of the few overruling the weakness of the many. I fear that history will repeat itself and we will have constant war and violence over pointless resources that will be gone soon if we continue exploiting them. I fear that the basic freedoms I have won't be guaranteed to my children. But maybe the world will surprise me. Maybe we will find ways to coexist with nature and each other. If we don't, this world won't last us much longer. I'm excited to see how things will change. People from the generation before mine always talk about how amazed they are with this world, so I'm excited to have that nostalgic feeling about "how things used to be". Other than that, I can't imagine the world becoming much more exciting. No flying cars or amazing inventions that change the world. Just humans, trying to survive. Like Tupac said - "It's time for us as a people to start making some changes. Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live, and let's change the way we treat each other. You see, the old way wasn't working so now it's on us to do what we gotta do to survive." - Barack Jordan

  14. I think that technology will continue to flourish (in the future), everyone will have an iPad, there will be flying cars, robots will go to school for all students, people will be living like astronaut and be up in the air ALL the time and eating food out of a freeze dried package (like literally), and that China will take over the world, and we will all be forced to speak Chinese, eat rice and drink tea 24/7, and we then won't be the fattest country anymore (maybe they will make us meditate too!) :-D. This will be after my time , mind you. And in the Brave New World, I don't think family will be of importance, considering that seems to be happening now. I'll draw a picture if I have time. The only think that really scares me is that, the people of the future, (kids, grandchildren) they wont be able to experience life like we did, and the people before me. I mean, they probably will not have to work as hard for what they want to accomplish, which is kind of a negative thing, considering that they won't obtain the type certain morals and ethics and all the other things that Wise people that. That's why you gotta love old people, well, the cool ones, not the ones who like telling people to get off my lawn, but that wont be a problem too much longer, cause the environment, wont mean anything to people, just electricity and, genetics I guess. Oh yeah, we wont need agriculture soon, they will grow food in aquariums.
    Nothing really excites me, cause I think we are already too advance for our own good.

  15. In the future I see it as a world that will just revolve and depend on technology for everything. We already now do hardly any work ourselves because there is something online that will do it for us. I think in about 50 or 100 years that technology will be so advanced that we will not have to use any knowledge or learn anything because there will be some app for it or some button to press so we don't have to think. Also, now they worry about obesity as it is, but in the future I think there will be a lot more issues with health and weight because people nowadays hardly ever want to do any physical labor or walk around at all and now we have so much technology that we hardly even have to leave our house. The fact that we hardly know anything about our people now and that we have so much technology scares me. Also, the fact that we are in a depression now scares me because I wonder how much worse it could be in the future, how much worse the crime rate could increase. The only thing that really excites me is how my life will turn out, my families, and the people close to me. My grand children and great grandchildren will probably have a life surrounded with technology as well at an early age and not want to ever go outside.- Alicia Wilson

  16. I see the future as a better place with little crime because everyones basic needs will be met up to some standard. Im 50 to 100 years I think life will be more technologicaly based and all of our needs will be met with their technological counterpart. Something that scares me about the future is that peoples greed will be a hard factor if we are to live in an equal society and it excites me to see all or our needs might be met im mutch easier ways with technology. I belive my children and grandchildren will live in a society in which values and relationships are thrown out the window because of lack of need of the sort. They will depend more on manmade objects and it will be harder for them to live on their own.-Brandon Day

  17. How do you see the future? I see the future as not being much different as life today. We've grown at such an exponential rate in the past 20 years, I don't see that as being continuous for another 50-100 years though. I think that everyday life will be a lot similar to that of today, though we may have a much higher diversity in our nation at that time because foreigners will start to take our jobs because they are better trained for them. It scares me that our country is in such hard times and that it may not go away by that time, but it excites me to see how much further our country can come in time because I may be wrong. I think I will be living a much easier life than the generation before me, and that my grandchildren will have an even easier life due to the elimination of hard labor in favor of machinery.

  18. I don’t think that the world will have changed much in 50 or 100 years. China might be more prominent, and there will probably be less economic stability in America. What worries me the most is that America will have become less substantial, that my grandchildren and great grandchildren will have trouble living here. I don’t think there are many things that excite me about the future. My great grandchildren will probably not have flying cars or jetpacks, but I’m sure they’ll have the I phone 36 and call of duty seriously modern warfare 12.
    -Alex Colling

  19. In the next 50 to 100 years, I think the global economy will be a bit different. Countries that are developing now might become world powers while those who have already industrialized may fall. The only thing that really excites me about the future would be more new technology. Although, people will probably rely a bit too much on it. Most people can't do basic math without pulling out a calculator.
    -Krystal Midcap

  20. I think the future will be more advanced, obviously, but having way more issues. Such as war and economics. In 50-100 years I think life will be everything but it really should be. Nobody will be living to live. Its going to turn into every man for themselves with everything. What scares me is that America is going to be taken over by China since what horrible debt we are in. What excites me is the technology that is going to be made.

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