Sunday, December 4, 2011


 You have now completed your Group 4 project, an IA and your IOP's. Even though these were trying times and a tremendous amount of work, you should feel extremely proud of yourselves for your accomplishments. That being said, what have you learned about yourself? What have these tasks revealed about your strengths and areas that you need to improve on? Reflect on these tasks and what you have learned.


  1. I want one of those bracelets! After a long series of project there is something I do know it feels great not procrastinate! Procrastination does no good. One of my strength's is I analyse everything and I like things perfectly done. My weakens is my ability to talk in front of people. I am learning, but it is still tough for me.

  2. Liking those bracelets! From all of these this tough IB criteria, I think we've all overcome at least a few of our fears. I feel silly for panicking over G4 and now we kind of are for this IOP. We'll all knock it out. (Good luck to everyone tomorrow and the next day!) I think I've learned to take this stuff to the extreme, and don't just do enough to get by and to actually expand on what I know. I have been getting a little nervous and overwhelmed about talking in front of people, but that will keep getting better!

  3. I've learned that I need to just go for it sometimes. I need to stop complaining about how hard something is and just do it. I can't take the easy way out, I've come too far and worked too hard to quit now. Like this IOP, it's almost 1 and I really have nothing for it. But I'm calm for some reason, I'm not panicking and I feel like I can do this. Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and appreciate your opportunity. That's what I'm doing right now. I have a chance that not many people get, time to take advantage of it (: - Barack Jordan, the master of speeches and public speaking

  4. I've learned that no matter how far ahead you think you are, you are still behind. I never thought I procrastinated until I was staying up late at night before these projects were due. I still need to work on my confidence because I always think I fail on these things....
    Anyways, I know that I have a lot of good ideas in my head and I hope that these will help bring them out.

  5. Finally! Got it done! I'm not gonna lie, the IOPs were fun. What I learned is I'm one of the biggest procrastinaters in IB. My strength is finding the creativity in a presentation so that it is not boring and people don't sleep during it. That is a lot of people's flaws. They are too formal with their presentation, they do not see the fun in it. My area I need to work on is timing. I save all my work for the last minute and then on certain occasions don't do it. I need to find a way to start early. If I start early, I would be unstoppable!

  6. I've learned that if I don't go over what I've been working on, I usually leave out something important that I wanted to cover or would've been beneficial. I think I found that my strengths are in explaining and giving examples to cover a topic, but if I don't put enough time into it, then it doesn't end up how I would like it to be. Anyway, I'm so glad that all of this is in the past now, and we finally get a reasonable break to take it all in and relax!

  7. Tori (Victoria) SYdenstrickerDecember 9, 2011 at 2:22 PM

    I have learned that as long as I try to do something it can be achieved. Also that if i hyave a positive attitude about something, it will make it alot easier. I have also learned that I actually have to put everything in to studying I cant get by just by listening in class.

  8. can you buy us them bracelets? I have learned that If I don't freak out that I will do okay. But even why I do freak out I do okay. I'm proud that I actually got through everything. I thought I'd quit or have flunked out of IB before I got this far. And MAR YAMS thing is true too! Your always behind no matter how ahead you think you are. Its never ending.

  9. I've learned to just kinda deal with stuff one at a time. If you try to do everything at once, you get overwhelmed and end up throwing your books and walking away. My weakness is definitely procrastination, which I need to fix. I also hate talking in front of people in a formal setting, but I guess I'll get over that eventually. I've also learned to appreciate the times that I'm not stressed out. The relief of getting everything done and done well is always worth it in the end.
    -Krystal Midcap

  10. I've learned that no matter how hard something is and how much work it seems to be, I have the ability to do it and need to stop stressing out over things because I will be just fine. The weaknesses that I saw in myself through these assignments was that I am very nervous during public speaking and my creativity is very limited. Its so nice having finished those projects and being able to go on Christmas break in a week.
    -Matthew Greene

  11. With the whole Dark Knight thing, I thought this was pretty funny!

  12. I think that throughout these projects I have learned that I shouldnt be scared of talking in front of a group of people. Doing the G4 and the IOP I have learned a great deal about speaking in front of the group, and the IA I learned that I shouldnt put things off until the last minute which in time will happen but not right now because Im doing my homework right now haha.
    ~Taylor Stephen

  13. In completeing my IA, IOP, and Group4 projects, I have relized I am the biggest procastinator there is. For my IOP it din't really affect me, but for my IA and Group4 I believe it could be noticed. I've learned to not wait until the very last minute to complete things this important and this big, because the outcomes can be horrible. And for once in my whole entire life, I actually like English, and I've always hated it with a passion. -Sylvia Williams

  14. I have learned that I can accomplish anything I am given and I have gained more confident in myself when presenting information. With the Group 4 Project I was far more nervous because it was with information that I had never even been exposed to before. The IA was easier because we just had to make up a lab report, but I realized that I need to practice with the formats because I had difficulty putting it together. The IOP gave me great relief because I took your advice on believing in myself and I read over my information and wound up not even really needing my index cards once I realized I did not need them because I did know the information. I realized I could present the information as long as I had a positive attitude and had faith in myself. So thank you Ms. Fergie!, I feel confident now to take on the rest of the IA's, IOP's, and anything else we are given. (: - Alicia Wilson

  15. I learned that I am better at the creative part, than I am at the info/ speaking out loud part. Ya!
