Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You can't make up anything anymore. The world itself is a satire. All you're doing is recording it.

Candide was so revolutionary for its time as Voltaire was brave enough to poke fun at absolutely everything-artistocracy, religion, the military, sex, relationships, education; pretty much everything. Satire used to be used to call attention to social wrongs, and bring about change. Do we still use satire in this way today? What subjects are the object of satire in the 21st century? Does our modern satire serve a greater purpose? Comment.


  1. Today we still use satire it is often foiunf in stand up comedians, such as Jimmy Kimmel, Kevin Hart, and many more. Also it if found in cartoons such as Family Guy and Mad Tv. The subjects that are object to the 21st century satire are politics and celebrates because the are always in the eye of the people. Our modern satire serves as the same purpose as it did before the 21st century, it's just a way for people to express how they feel about important and non important events.
    -Sylvia Williams

  2. Satire is definitely still used in the way to bring attention to social wrongs and bring about change. Such shows such as Southpark and the Daily show with Jon Stewart are very satirical in their nature and poke fun at many aspects of society to show their foolishness or what they think is wrong with society. These television programs, present to the public the wrongs of society such as in politics, celebrities, wars, and just other social problems and norms that the writers see as foolish. The purpose of this is to utilize humor so that the audience will question these problems and push for change or oppression of this problem.
    -Matthew Greene

  3. Satire is in everyday life and nothing is really off limits. You can find satire from Youtube to Southpark and it might range from more comedy orientated to actually trying to point out the stupidity of something so that change can occur. Satire still has the same purpose as it did earlier. If I had a dollar for every time someone made fun of Michelle Bachman... Anyway, modern satire is a bit more blunt than it used to be, but it still tries to point out social wrongs and the ignorance of others.
    -Krystal Midcap

  4. I think today satire is used more to show how stupid people can be by blowing out of proportion what people say. If someone doesn't want you to vote for Barack Obama, then they will make a skit using all his faults to show how stupid you will be if you vote for someone like that. I think its used more to promote what people believe rather than to promote what is right and what is wrong.

  5. Today Satire is still in effect and is still making fun of ridiculous political views to religious views. ridiculous political. No one can escape from satire. We see everywhere; South park, family guy, american dad, saturday night live, the daily show, snd the office. It pokes at people who take themselves to seriously.

  6. Satire is used in every thing today. It is used to make fun of things which usually will either make the item being satirized famous or will bring it down. One thing in particular that involves allot of satire is politics. when people are running in an election there is typically allot of mudslinging in political cartoons, slogans, rumors, commercials and even TV shows. Satire exist in every form every day some of the most popular movies and TV shows involve satire, such as south park, family guy, Saturday nite live, the Colbert report and many others. necessarily used for the greater however its very entertaining.

  7. Everything consists of satire. We still use it the same way Voltaire did in the 1700's. Its more widely used in politics, media, anything that gets the people going for short. for example, almost every cartoon has a hidden meaning, and how people in politics make jokes about each other, and everything that happens in office. Voltaire was best known for his satirical criticizing of many different things. He was like, the one that made it become what it is today. No one is afraid to use it, if it benefits them, they it works out. It allows people to start asking questions, its what gets the people going.

  8. We definitely still use satire today, but the only difference is there are pretty much no limits to what we put it on. Candide was one of the first people to have the nerve to pick and make fun of everything he seen. Now today people are more comfortable in using satire for the media, politics, religion, sexuality, appearances, etc. People use it today casually and it seems were not afraid to make everything satirical, but sometimes we go a lot farther than we should. However, our modern satire does often bring attention to important matters as well, such as when used in politics about their lives and issues.- Alicia Wilson

  9. Do we still use satire in this way today? In many ways we still use satire such as Voltaire did. Comedians will poke fun at the war and the government, as will cartoonists and magazines. Probably the main object of satire is the government, specifically the president. In some cases, no, it's just meant to be funny, but in others the focus is to get a message out about problems in the government or in society that needs attention. The best way these people see as to get peoples' attention is to make fun of them.

  10. I think satire today, while can still be used in the way Voltaire did, is now mostly for our entertainment because we love to make fun of ourselves and our society. Shows like Family guy and American Dad are examples. However, there still are some tv shows that use the comedy to talk about main events like The Daily Show, Saturday Night Live, and the Colbert Report. I think it isn't as "daring" to use satire as it was during Voltaire's time yet it can still have the same effects.
    -Lindsey Tonnesen

  11. Satire is still very alive and well in today's society. The same subjects are still being lampooned for our entertainment and awareness. Politics, economics, pop culture, and religion are all subjects that fall prey to satire. Satire is meant to expose issues in these subjects and poke fun at ridiculous situations. The function of satire is to raise awareness about issues and invoke the need for solutions. Nowadays, satire is more obvious, with entire shows dedicated to poking fun at other subjects. - Barack Jordan

  12. Everything today is satirized. One could even say that satirical shows and movies are the type of entertainment that actually capture all of the attention. Comidians such as Katt Williams and Kevin Hart or television shows like Family Guy and American Dad use satire to ridicule celebrities, politician and just the world an life in general. Satire today isn't serving a greater purpose now than it was before because in that time everyone were hungry for improvements in everything versus now when everyone wants stability.
    -Kayla Barrett

  13. Our society is becoming desensitized to satire. It’s everywhere, in every type of media. We aren’t using it exactly the same way Voltaire did though. We use it, now, more for entertainment than it was a few hundred years ago. Back then satire was dangerous for both the writer, and the reader. Mocking powerful people and institutions was taking your life in your hands. Thanks to freedom of speech we can make fun of who ever we want to now, and it shows. Practically every time someone steps out of line or does something different they are hung out to dry. The more powerful or famous the better. We don’t really care who we make fun of anymore, and because we don’t care as much the satire is losing its effect. It doesn’t serve us as well as it did when speaking out was to be feared. Satire has had and still has a much greater purpose, but it’s hard to see that purpose now when there is so much to look at.
    -Alex Colling

  14. In modern times, everything is filled with Satire. Look at SNL and other humor filled shows. They all make fun of situations such as people and programs. For example, South Park made an episode in which they made fun of Jersey Shore. It is hard to find something that is not making fun of something. However, it does not make changes as much as during Voltaire time.

  15. We have a lot of satire in the 21st cent. Tv shows such as SNL and family guy. They make fun of higher class people and political people. Voltaires satire is more subtle than tv shows nowadays. Even though there are some ridiculous things in candide.
    ~Taylor Stephen

  16. We still use satire today in the same way and many other ways. People(we) are constantly making fun of the same things that were made fun of by Voltaire. Television is the main place to find satire. Many shows such as The Soup,Chelsea Lately, Family guy, etc. make fun of anything and everything even if it is not appropriate to be making fun of it. Many celebrities are made fun of for what they do and their beliefs on television, twitter, internet, and etc. Modern Satire probably does serve a greater purpose, I have no idea how to explain why though. In America instead of creating some cloudy kind of background, we will just come out and say what is directly wrong with what people are doing instead of the way Voltaire kind of tried to hide it behind his story.
    ~ Haley Rasnick

  17. Satire is definitely still used today especially on television, even on kids' programs. Humans consistently poke fun at the same things like sex, celebrities, and new inventions or ideas. Many TV talk shows contain a lot of satire and joke about many ideas and famous people. I don't think our modern satire has a greater purpose like it used to, it's just another way for us to entertain ourselves.

  18. Satire is most definitely still used today just like Voltaire used it in Candide. Television is the main way satire is illustrated. Late night talk shows, stand up comedians, and even cartoons use satire to make fun of sex, religion and popular ideas. It is actually difficult to flip through a couple channels on television and not see satire. Succesful entertainment in the 21st century always contains satire because people love to laugh at others and ideas by making fun.
    -Ashley Collins

  19. Brandon Day- Blog on week missed. I believe that we still use satire in this way. An example of how we use satire to this day is in political campaigns like if one candidate has an affair they make fun of it forever. Also satire is used in T.V shows and movies when ever something goes wrong for someone. I believe that our modern satire serves a greater purpose in that in most cases they successfully describe the characteristics of the institution or person they are satirizing.
