Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Now that you have finished your first official year of IB, reflect back on what you have learned; not only academically but as a person as well. What is your favorite part of IB? Your least favorite? How do feel the program is making you a better person and preparing you for the future? Your thoughts.


  1. I have learned that I am the worlds biggest Procrastinator. I'm slowly changing my ways. As the school year began I wasn't aware of the student I was, but now I'm pretty sure of who I am. I enjoy being involved. CAS has helped me to get more involved in school than I have planned on being. Academically I have no idea where I stand. My favorite subject use to be Math and Bio, now they are my least favorite. It has help me establish more of a solid plan for my future as for as career wise. I feel more ready for college than the average student in my grade level and it makes me happy (:
    -Sylvia Williams

  2. Tori SydenstrickerMay 30, 2012 at 12:06 PM

    I feel that out of all the years of school, I have learned the most this year. The areas I feel I have grown the most in are English and vocabulary, Biology, and Psychology. Not only did I learn allot in various subjects but also allot about my self and life. I learned not to do things "half a**", and not to procrastinate, and that hard work pays off. My favorite part of IB is seeing the progress I've made and pushing my self to do better. The thing I did not like about IB was the schedule of seven short classes a day, I think It would be more beneficial to have fewer classes and alternate them every other day. IB has prepared me for the future by teaching me how to apply the knowledge I have learned, and giving me college level work, so when I get to college I will have a better idea of what to do. The IB program is an amazing program if you give it your all and try to learn from it. I never regret joining it.

  3. As a person, IB has definitely made me a more patient and hardworking person. I've learned to multi-task and balance my time, especially with my job. My favorite part of IB is definitely the teachers! I've learned that Biology and Psychology are my strongest subjects, and I enjoyed taking those courses. My least favorite of IB is definitely CAS! It adds on to our already way too busy schedule. The IB program is readily preparing me for college, which I love because I'll be able to get through the material faster.

  4. At the end of my first official year in IB, I think I've learned how to produce quality work under pressure due to procrastination :) I've learned a lot about writing formal papers (MLA and APA style format) and analyzing aspects of literature. As a person, I've learned that I prefer to be around people like me, in IB, because there is so much skill and determination. I heard once that is "you're the smartest person in your group of friends, you need a new group of friends", and I'm definitely not the smartest so I learn something new everyday. My least favorite part of IB are the certain "requirements", like IAs :p Through all of this, I feel I will be better prepared for college and the professional world after high school because I have been immersed in responsibilities and tasks that challenge my abilities.
    -Lindsey Tonnesen

  5. With staying in the IB Program it has allowed me to realize how lucky I am to be in this Program and be able to know what college is going to be like. Also, I have learned to take more responsibility of my work habits and make sure to do things on time because we had other things, such as CAS, our EE's, along with other important projects. My favorite part of IB is the students that we have in our classes because even though we complain to each other all the time I still enjoy being able to have them all in my classes. They each have their own personalities and add spark to the class to make things fun and interesting. My least favorite part of IB is being forced to do numerous extra requirements for the program, but then I make myself realize that they do help with speaking skills and essay's for college that we are going to have to do. Being in the IB Program is great for preparing me for college and ensuring that I get a great education from all the work I have put into the program.-Alicia Wilson

  6. Even though I have learned a whole lot academically throughout the years in IB so far I have also learned a lot in other areas of my life and personality. I have learned how to manage my time better and communicate my answers better also. My favorite part of the IB program is the interactions between the student in our IB class this year. We have been able to connect as a big family throughout the year and came closer as we have been together. My least favorite part is how some specific teachers do not consider the amounts of work we have in other classes before mobbing us with work in their class. This program is making me a better person in social ability and interactions with other students. It will set me ahead of normal students in my college future and also in my thinking ability in the future to make decisions. I think that it is a hard but worth it great program overall.-Brandon Day

  7. I have learned a great deal of information academically over the years through IB, and I have also learned a lot in the other realms of my life. Since high school, I have become the biggest procrastinator, and that is not exactly a positive thing, but its the truth. And you know, my favorite subjects used to be math and science (adding to my wanting of being a doctor), but now, they all annoy me in some form of way. I think, having the mindset that we are the top academic people of our school, I have the notation that I must do my best to keep that standard (which I should have came to that conclusion a long time ago). I think by doing the work load that we do, and having the curriculum set up as it is will help get further faster in college. Oh, and the handful of complainers that we have need to sit down, because in college that's not going to work. Isn't the point of the program to some extend, is to prepare us for college?

    Besides that, I think that I have grown and I am now coming to see who I am, and where I would like to go, and I plan to strive on and fulfill my goal of being something in the medical field. I would tell anyone, if they were debating, to decide to be in the IB program. I think we, collectively as a group can say that it my be time consuming, but in the end, we are being challenged more that the typical student. We are being trained to see things in a different light. Its like forcing wisdom upon us.

  8. My favorite part of IB? Its students and teacher Vs. IB, not students Vs. teacher. We have some awesome IB teachers, well this year anyway... And we’re in classes with people that are on our same level academically (Except for Matt Greene of course). So we end up helping each other with whatever it is we’re working on. Now what I like least… is “work” too broad? Let me try to narrow it down, how about the EE. Wait, on second thought make that Spanish. That language is killing my soul. You know how much Spanish I used while I was in Spain? 8 words! The whole trip. Anyway, moving on.
    Making me a better person, well I don’t spend quite as much time watching TV anymore. But I did make a Facebook, and that’s IBs fault… stupid IB homework help page. Guess that balances out. This program does prepare you for the future though. It’s definitely helped me figure out how little I can get away wit…. I mean, how to manage my time and do more professional work, yeah that sounds good. So
    IN CONCLUSION IB so far has been a royal pain in the @$$, but if I could start over I’d do it again. Don’t really know why thou.

    Betcha can't guess who this is ;)

  9. My favorite part of IB is the closeness we have with our teachers. We can call them or text them or message them on facebook at any time. Our teachers are more than that, they are our friends. They are there for us, and I don't think that you can have such an experience outside of IB. My least favorite part is doing alot of stressful hard work but in the end, we have to realize that it is all worth it. This program makes me as Fergie will say it "blow up the box". I'm aware of what is really going on and IB gives me the power to change it. I work with intelligent people every day and i'm changed by that. I've talked to people who are IB alumni and they all tell me that IB helped them handle the stress of college. If I can handle the stress of college, then I can handle anything :)

  10. I feel like the program is going to give me more opportunities and a better education. Other than that, I absolutely despise it. I just want to finish this thing so I can go to college and take classes that actually interest me. The program hasn't shown me any strengths, I already knew I was awesome. The program is probably making me a worse person because it brings so much negativity into my life. - Barack Jordan

  11. What to say about IB... My favorite parts are the people I get to see on a daily basis (they don't generally tick me off which makes me happy) and the challenge that comes with IB. While I hate the work like IAs, EEs, etc, I know if I were taking regular courses, I would have probably died from boredom by now. IB has definitely changed me, I've learned to be an efficient procrastinator and I can now accurately gauge just how long I have to procrastinate and still get an assignment done. This isn't a very good skill and it makes things more difficult than necessary, but I'll probably never change. IB has also taught me how to work under pressure (which of course has nothing to do with how much I procrastinate.) I'm sure I'll be happy about IB when it's over and I have a diploma in hand, but for now it's a bit irritating. I know it'll all pay off in the future, so I'm going to be patient because there's only one more year left.
    -Krystal Midcap

  12. I learned that in Ib procrastination is horrible yet I still can't bring myself to work before things are due. As a person it has led me to accept other people and think out of the box when I'm in certain situations. The good things of Ib are having all these amazing people who amaze me everyday as my friends. The bad things are the IA's. But I feel that Ib has and will get me ready for my life and college career.
    -Taylor Stephen

  13. I think for the most part everyone feels like that procrastination is a destructive weapon in IB. I am not going to lie for the most part it gets the job done, but it is not worth it. I have learned how to undergo stress, be patient, and definently that to be in a program like this hardworking. I am blessed to be part of IB and even when we feel overwhelmed at the end I think we can agree it is worth it. My favorite part of IB is that our teachers are amazing for the most part they really care about us passing. If college is anything near IB then I am definently ready. Having to balance our academic coursees with parts of IB like CAS has definently helped me to be better at balancing different things at once and getting the job done.
    IBe blessed# SENIORS!!

  14. Well I already knew everything so I didn't learn a dadgum thing. Not really, just kidding. Believe it or not, I really have learned alot from IB. I have probably learned more stuff academically in one year of IB than I have in all my years combined. Also I have learned so much about myself just in this year. I have always known that I am a naturally angry person but this year made me realize just how angry I can get, because of all the stress from the workload. There were entire weeks where I just wanted to punch a baby. Furthermore I felt as if I became alot more outgoing this year. That made me realize that I should not be so shy around people and should just start opening up more. Another thing is, that I procrastinated alot this year which opened my eyes to how lazy I have gotten in high school. I have also learned just how helpful of a guy I am, because without my help alot of my fellow classmates would be in a world of sh**. My favorite part of IB would have to be how we are all just like a big family. Also how some of our teachers are less of teachers to us and more like our friends or in some cases even our parents (love you Mama Ferg, Provost and Treweek [I am going to miss you], you are the three that I am talking about). My least favorite part would definitely have to be all the stupid project things that we have to do like EE's, IA's, IOP's, and any of those other d**n alphabet projects. Although, I hate doing these, I feel as if they can really be helpful in preparing me for college and more importantly life itself because nothing is going to be easy and there will be times when I will be hit with a million things at once. According to my teachers the skills I am learning now will endow me with the ability to cope with these future problems. There is a huge part of me, though, that feels like all of this will be useless to me and everything that I am learning now will only help me a little bit in college but other than that, I will find no use for it. If this happens, I think I might just drop kick a baby. For right now I am just glad that the end of year is here and that I am about to be a senior.
    -Matthew Greene

  15. My favorite part of IB is that we don't do normal things. Normally we wouldn't have a day in class where we could just sit and talk about life or whatever is on our mind, or make inappropriate videos (that are educational!) and turn them in for a grade. My least favorite part is that it all comes down to how we do on these exam, although I'm not too worried about it. This program is definitely the best in my opinion to prepare us for college, and it's been a great experience so far.

  16. My favorite part of IB is how comfortable we all are with each. Sometimes we don't all get along but thats what happens when you are around the same people for so long. Having some of the best teachers also makes us more apt to learn. IB is a whole different high school experience and is well worth it to me. My least favorite is definitely all of the work. It is difficult to juggle school, sports and a social life but that is where procrastination comes in ;) and we are all masters of it. The program opens your eyes to opportunities that probably would not have been there before.
    -Ashley Collins

  17. My favorite part about IB was getting to know everybody on a better level than we actually would if we didnt have 7 classes together. We may not have always got along, but we could always count on each other. Another favorite part was being able to mess with each other more than we could with other students, we always seem to have a great time. We also have the best teachers! IB was definitely an eye opener on how college is going to seem like, it gave us a little sneak peak. My least favorite part was obviously the work, I think thats everybodys. But it is going to be worth it in the end. It was hard to keep up with work doing CAS and sports, but thats what procrastination is for. :D The program is going to be something we cherish when we are RULING everybody else! #IBtheBoss

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  20. Wow. Just noticed I never replied to this and it would have been cool to look back on. I want to reply because college is stressful, and I already obviously got a zero on this. I just want to reminisce. Personally, IB is probably the best thing thats ever happened to me. Best choice of my life. The most difficult things you do in life, are the things you are most proud of. The fact that I am still friends with pretty much every single person in IB makes me so happy. We WERE actually a family, all of them still are my family. Senior year we became so close, and I love looking back on it. The most stressful year, brought us so extremely close together. We always had each others backs. If one person had a problem, we ALL had a problem to deal with. My favorite thing about IB would have to be the classroom typical scenario. We had so much fun, laughed a lot, cried a little, made teachers laugh, and made teachers cry. We had some great teachers, who embraced our personalities so much. Least favorite thing about IB, would be the uncertainty, we were always confused on what the hell was going on, every day was something unexpected, causing us to freak out all the time. The thing is we all freaked out together, thats what made it worth it. Freshman year I never expected to love the IB kids as much as I do now. Love you guys. -Haley Rasnick
