Sunday, September 18, 2011

“Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary.”

Poetry is not everyone's favorite thing to study. More than any other type of literature, poetry requires the reader to be actively involved. The reader has to pay attention to so many different elements-rhyme, meter, imagery, allusions etc. What are your feelings on poetry? Do you enjoy reading it? Analyzing it? Do you write any poetry of your own? Has any poet or poem you studied made an impact or impression on you? Talk about all your poetic experiences.


  1. Well, I'm not going to talk about all of my experiences....that will take too long. Some poetry is easier to understand than others. I don't like reading the poems that force you to become alert of everything and nothing is what it seems. I have written some poems when I was younger but not recently. My favorite poet is Maya Angelou, maybe her poetry is easier to understand than others but I know that I understand hers the best.

  2. My feelings toward poetry are not like most. I am actually fascinated with poetry. At least from my experience all the poems I have chosen to read allow me to think beyond the norm. I have had the opportunity to write poetry and I personally like to. One of my favorite poets is Emily Dickinson. "The Brain is wider than the sky." One of her poems that are easier to understand.

  3. Just as Janiel stated, I too like poetry, to an extent. Many of them have opened my eyes to different areas of life I guess you can say, and has allowed me to look at the world in a different perspective. I've noticed that I normally stick to biblical poems, just to the simple fact I was raised around my grandmother reciting them all the time, including hymns, because i just recently found out that they were at one point in time poems but then Christian scholars turned them into hymns. And yes, I have read others that were outside of that category. I have written poetry, it was a hobby of mine in the 7th grade, I haven't really made an effort to write any since. When it comes to analyzing, not so much, but I mean, I do not mind because I have to do it, but as long as I understand the moral of it, I'm content. No author comes to mind, but A Psalm of Life is amazing! <3

  4. I feel that poetry is good when the writer writes if from the soul and not just because they have to. This adds to the deeper meaning behind the poems and leads the readers to inturpret it in many different ways. I do enjoy reading and analyzing poetry. I do write some poetry and Edgar Poe had a big effect on the way I inturpret poems. I havent really had many poetic experiences but I do understand most poems I read and get their deeper meaning.-Brandon Day

  5. I absolutly love poetry. It allows me to expand my imagination and understanding twords other people and their art. Its a type of expression that has no chains or limitations and allows you to get your inner most thought feelings and or opinions out there. Poetry is music with out lyrics and its deep and entertaining. Not only do i enjoy reading it i love writting it. I am a type of person who is far better at writting than talking to express myself and with poetry i can express my self in a much better and diverse way. I do not have a favorite poet I enjoy a variety of different poetry and have respect for it all. Throught all the poetry I have read all of it has taught me something or expressed strong feelings and allowed me to feel them to. Poetry is amazing and makes a difference in your life whether you read it or even write it your self.

  6. I believe poetry can be interesting yet boring. At first when you read it, you might think the poem does not have a deep or symbolic meaning, but when you go into the stanzas and discover the true meaning, you are surprised and enjoy the poem, but to discover the true meaning is difficult. You have to observe anything which some people might find irritating. I find poetry interesting yet quite difficult. I had experiences in English 3 with Mrs. Jenkins. Reading the poem is the somewhat amusing part, but analyzing is the difficult and irritating part of poetry. No I do not write poetry on my own. I'm too manly for that! I make my own beef jerky! (Step Brothers)

  7. There are times when I do like poetry, but normally I dislike poetry. Most of the time I do not enjoy reading poetry at all simply because it bores me but at times there are poems that interest me and I do enjoy reading those. I never enjoy analyzing poetry basically because I am a very literal kind of person and dislike looking into deeper meanings and prefer to just see the surface picture. Also because it is very difficult for me to understand symbolism and other elements in poetry. No I do not write my own poetry and no, no poet has ever made an impact on me. I try to stay away from poetry so I do not have very many experiences with it.- Matthew Greene

  8. Poetry is like any other form of art, in my opinion. It has its good points and its bad points. In some respects, poetry is a great way to convey messages and important topics while still maintaining its beauty. However, there are people who attempt to make poetry to appear deep and intelligent. If you have an actual message to get across, I enjoy poetry. I like analyzing poetry and searching for the real meaning behind the words. I don't write poetry because I don't feel the need to express my thoughts in that way. If I have feelings on a subject, I express them as I see fit. No poets have made any impact on me, because I don't generally read poetry as a hobby. - Barack Jordan

  9. -Ashley Collins
    Poetry is not one of my favorite subjects to study. I have found some poems interesting because of all the different ways poets express their creativity. A possitive aspect about poetry is that its not concrete. Many poems may seem very simple and boring but they really contain a very deep meaning. I never really enjoyed reading poetry, its just not very apealing to me personaly. Poetry is very ambiguous and some people enjoy it but I rather not read or analyze it.

  10. I enjoy poetry because there is always something more meaningful about it than at first glance. Sometimes, I can't find that meaning though which makes it very hard to like. I don't write poetry myself because it is just one of those things that I think comes naturally to people and not to others. I have not read a lot of it, however, so I cannot form a concrete opinion on any poets/poems I've gotten any impact from.
    -Lindsey Tonnesen

  11. I'm not a big fan of Poetry. Some Poetry I have enjoyed though. I don't like reading Poetry because it has so much deeper meaning than what is said, and I like when things just get right to the point, which never happens in Poetry. There is so much "fluff". While reading a poem I'm usually lost and hate the poem but after I know what was actually meant by it, I like it. I don't really enjoy analyzing it. I do not write Poetry. An experience I remember in 7th grade my teacher literally thought he was Edgar Allen Poem, which he did look like him but he would always say things that were in The Raven by Poe and it was really creepy. Especially when he brought a black bird into class and put it on his shoulder while wearing a black bulky jacket and turning off the lights while reciting the poem. That pretty much ruined the idea of me ever liking a poem from Poe.
    ~Haley Rasnick

  12. ^^^ I meant to write Edgar Allen Poe, not Edgar Allen Poem LOL

  13. Poetry is sometimes difficult to understand, but I find it very interesting. Some poems I enjoy reading because they are more exciting and mysterious compared to others. Now analyzing it is often more difficult for me, but I want to grasp a better idea of doing it. I have not written any poetry before, it seems too difficult and I'm really not that creative when it comes to writing. The only poet that I have studied is Edgar Allan Poe in the 8th grade. His work was very strange, but it caught my interest due to him being so odd and different with his work.- Alicia Wilson

  14. I believe it matters what kind of poem it is, such as the deep meaning. I only like poems that have a dramatic meaning. Like murder, death, and all that. More of mystery than anything else. Any other poems are just boring to me. I absolutely hate analyzing poems more than anything though. I have wrote poems (at least tried). They are a fun way to express your true feelings. Edgar Allen Poe is one of my favorites because his poems are mysterious.

  15. I like poetry to an extent. It's usually pretty interesting, but I hate analyzing it. Most of my experience with poems has to do with Poe because his poems tend to be the only ones I remember and due to that have probably impacted me the most out of all of the ones I've read. I used to write (or attempt to write) some poetry back in middle school, but I lost interest quickly. Over all, I don't dislike poetry, but I don't really like analyzing anything so I'm not very good when it comes that subject.
    -Krystal Midcap

  16. Poetry is always like a long riddle to me, ominous in meaning and sometimes having absolutely no meaning at all. I do like to read poetry, and half of the fun in reading it is the analyzation to find the hidden meaning. I'm sure if I tried hard enough I could right poetry but it would most likely be suitable only to the same audience as that of Dr. Seuss. All poetry I read such as that of Lewis Carrol has had in impact on me, such as the poems he wrote about the girl named Alice and how he reflected his own feelings in his writing.

  17. I oddly like poetry. I guess maybe because I like music a lot. I enjoy writing peoms, I enjoy reading them, but I don't think I would like analyzing them. In middle school we had to read a few poem and I did really good on the little prjects and assignments that come with it. So I'm actually looking forward to studying peotry.

  18. I like poetry a lot but I don't like analyzing it a breaking it down. After we do that though I'm intrigued by what the poem actually ment, I don't write poetry of my own. And no poet has impacted me
    -Taylor Stephen

  19. I can't stand poetry. The main reason is i don't like symbolism. I don't mind reading poetry but when it comes to analyzing it i'm out. I wrote poetry for school before but never for fun. The only poet that made an impact on me was Doc. Seuss. -Alex Colling

  20. I enjoy poetry to an extent. Like Dr. Seuss extent...Haha just kidding! :) Poetry interests me sometimes. It depends on my mood and what the poem is about. I enjoyed some of Edgar Allen Poe, but that was only because the teacher who taught it made it interesting with various class activities. But reading it on my own was a different story. That annoys me.
