Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Simply heinous

Everyone (or most everyone) has a favorite book that has been made into a film. Sometimes, the film does the novel justice while other times, the movie adaptation is horribly bad and ruins a perfectly decent story. Think about a movie you went to see because you loved the book. Did the film adaptation do it justice? Did it enhance the story or ruin it entirely? Should every good book be turned into a film? Explain.


  1. I actually liked the twilight book, so I decided to give the movie a chance and it deffinately ruined the story. They changed alot of things and in a since ruined her character. all they did was make a dumb movie about shiney vampires...Thats really all you can get out of it because you cant hear her inner thoughts, or even tell how she feels. which sucks because the book is told through her, and the movie left alot of her character out. Every good book should only be turned into a movie if it stays very closly the same and they dont change important details.

  2. I saw Percy Jackson the lightning thief movie because the books' series are one of my favorite. What was so vivid in the book that could only be imagined by your head, was totally different from what was in the movie. Important scenes and dialogues were taken out and the movie did not seem as significant as the book.Sometimes, scenes were added to the movie that were never in the book and send the wrong message. They tried to make the movie more adult like, but that wasn't how the book was written. Many people tell their friends to just read the book before they watch the movie. Some books are just meant to be read and should just be imagined. When you imagine, anything can happen. Movies, however don't let the imagination run free. So, not every book should be turned into a film because it just ruins the book.

  3. After reading The Hunt for Red October I went and saw the movie. The book was by far better than the movie. You just can't fit as much detail into a movie as you can a book. Many key point were cut and the description was way less vivid in the movie versus the book. The director of the movie perceived a couple scenes differently than I had from reading the book which kinda disappointed me. Books are interpreted in many different ways, it just depends on who the reader is. By creating a film based on a book, your interpretation may be skewed because the director didn't image something the way you did. Some books are made for you to imagine exactly whats going on and should be left alone.

  4. When I was younger I remember reading the Lemony Snicket series, but when I went to see the movie it was not even near comparison to the series. A lot of the main events were excluded in the movie. The movie was a waste of money and ruined it entirely. I think that every good book should be turned into a movie only if the movie is just as good as the book. That it basically brings to reality the words of the books that display pictures in your mind.

  5. I am a fan of the Twilight BOOKS. I was very thrilled when the movie series came to theaters. I went to see the first movie, and was very disappointed. The story was completely ruined. The actors and actresses were not fit to the characters in the book. The scenes and dialogues in the book were so much more intense, as the movie skipped around and seemed more like an over dramatic soap opera. The film was nothing like the mystical and thrilling story. I believe that not all books should be made into films. Some scenes can only be displayed in someone's mind by words. The author's characters' attitudes and puns allow the reader to picture, foreshadow, and ENJOY the story!

  6. I've read all of the Harry Potter books and seen all of the movies. NOTHING can come remotely close to the types of emotions and thoughts that the books provide. But I believe the movies do a great job of portraying the characters and general message. The movies involve the writer which helps the plot to stay true to form. Film and literature are amazing medias but sometimes they should just stay separate. I don't think every good book should be turned into a movie. I don't think anything can replace our imagination when we read good stories. No special effects or acting can outshine the way you envision a story yourself. On the other hand, IB doesn't allow much free time. So a 2 hours movie is sometimes a better alternative to reading a book for a week. I prefer books, but films have their place too. - Barack Jordan

  7. The book Memoirs of a Geisha was a really good book it had a mix of emotions throughout. It made you sad, happy, anxious, depressed, excited etc. The book was written as if it were a true story and it seems very believable. The book was not boring like 98% of books I have read and I've prolly read about 4 and a half books in my whole life. The movie was dissapointing and left out my favorite scenes from the book, also had a lot of characters taken out. After you read a book, you are really excited to see the movie ( like everyone was The Great Gatsby or maybe that was just me.....) It was a dissapointment because the just ruined the book. Most books are way better than the movie, but I prefer to just listen and watch than read so I guess I will keep watching crappy movies that seem good because I never watched the books.
    ~Haley Rasnick

  8. I agree with Tori up there ^^^, For the first book, I did the same, (Reading,...Amazing right), then I just gave up on the whole Twilight, Edward, Jacob thing all together, what a waste. Anyways, like 6 or 7 years ago, I was in love with Harry Potter, because I knew it was British and I loved the way they spoke and stuff, and my grandmother told me about it, so I wanted to check it out. So I decided that I should read the book first before I got the movie, besides it was like 20 on AR Reading in Elementary school, so why not. Since then I have read it like 3 other times, and I honestly think, they take out somethings, and add other stuff to it. I guess the movie wasn't as disappointing, because all I really cared about was the accent and the little crazy stuff they did with a twig, but otherwise to that, I think we, maybe more as IB Kids, since we are like trained to go out of our ways and analyse stuff more in depth, I think naturally we expect more, and we are already in the mind set that every little thing like weather, lighting, camera angles, and colors, all make the story. Plus, the books are wayyyyy better. WAYYY better. They literally leave the goods out and up stupidness in. I think the books always go more into the moral of the story than any movie portrays.And half the time the characters doing even look like what was described in the book so, yeah.

  9. The movies of Harry Potter weren't enhanced by anything, just brought down to ehhh, and I don't think it should have been turned into a movie, but then I would have gotten to hear them talk, then I would have been mad.

  10. I normaly don't read books and then watch the movies. However I did read The Cat in The Hat and watched the movies and I must say they we're completely different. Both the book and the movie we're very detailed but they we're different and they had the same concept. So now I either read the book and don't watch the movie or I watch the movie and don't read the book.

  11. In the seventh grade my teacher made me read the Chronicles of Narnia series and then watch the first movie. While the books were somewhat decent with vivid descriptions of the scenery, characters, and even violent battle scenes; the first two movies (later I watched the second one on my own but I have not watched the third one) moved away from this and failed to do justice to the books by taking out some important parts and elements and adding their own scenes and even characters. The alterations that they made, no matter how small or large, seemed to take away from the story in the books and basically ruined the movies. Good books should be put into movie form but the directors writers need to follow the story in the book and only make minor adjustments and actors that can fulfill the roles of the characters which they somewhat did in the Chronicles of Narnia.

  12. I read the book Eragon, and I loved it, and since then I've read the other books in the collection and I can't wait until November for the 4th one. But, when they created a movie for the first book in 2006, I couldn't stand the difference. The movie in no way did any justice to the book, and neither did it help as a representation, it would confuse me more to see the movie. The main antagonists in the book are suppose to live, they were ambushed and ran away. But in the movie, they go ahead and die right there in the ambush. Each character is also vividly described in the book, but in the movie, the main female character has bright red hair when it was always described as raven black in the book. There were also many other differences that could easily have been avoided and their failure to interpret the book, as well as making storyline changes to fit the film, are reasons why I despise this movie, because it tore apart my favorite book. Though other movies do a wonderful job of visually representing a book, this one does not, and I would rather that it had never been made.

  13. I was really excited to watch Inkheart after reading the trilogy and while the movie was a good movie by itself, it was like most movies adapted from books in which there just isn't enough time to develop the whole story. A lot of literary elements are lost as well when something is put on film so any symbolism is gone. I don't think every good book should be turned into a film but I don't see why not either. Some are actually pretty nicely done. It really depends on how high your expectations are beforehand.
    -Lindsey Tonnesen

  14. I've always liked the movie Queen of the Damned based off of the Anne Rice books, but after I read the series I realized that the movie did not do the books any justice. I think it tried to combine "The Vampire Lestat" and "The Queen of the Damned" or skip "The Vampire Lestat", but it completely destroyed what actually happened in the books. It left out vital characters and parts of the story. I like seeing movies made off of books, but sometimes the movie is no comparison. Not every book should be turned into a movie because the film can't always portray the story as it should be.
    -Krystal Midcap

  15. Okay, the only book that I read that I can think of that was made into a movie was the Twilight Series. The movie completely distorted the original story that was given in the book. The book included vivid details and the chronological events with explanations of what was going on while the movie would often skip important scenes, cut them out entirely, and if you hadn't read the books then you would have been completely lost with questions because they fail to explain anything completely and correctly. For example, Bella and Edward's relationship in the book was meaningful and felt like a true romance while in the movie the characters were horrible at portraying a good bond with one another and often gave off a sense of awkwardness. In my opinion a book should be left as just a book because the movies never show a full understanding of the story line and often misjudge the original ideas that people create when they are reading the book themselves. -Alicia Wilson

  16. When I first read the Percy Jackson series, I fell in love with it. Then when I heard that they are making a movie about it, I was excited, but when I first saw it, I felt deceived! They turn the masterpiece and sliced some of the great parts. Don't get me wrong the movie was still decent, but they did not exceed to my expectations. Percy was suppose to be 13. The dude who played Percy was like 16! Ehh you know what they say, "stupid is as stupid does".

  17. I read all the Twilight books, so I decided to go see the movies. In my opinion I loved them. Yes, they took a couple of details out but you can get every detail of a book. But I believe every good book should be turned into a movies. Some movies actually come out to be better than the book.
