Sunday, November 27, 2011

The List

I am putting the finishing touches on the list of films all IB students need to see. I will have it up in time for winter vacation so you can watch when you have the time.Some made the list because they are masterpieces in film making. Some because of their amazing storylines and other because of characters you never forget. A few are also thrown in for ridiculous fun. Before I upload the final list, what films do you think need to be added? Are there any that have stood out to you? That for one reason or another you can watch over and over and never get tired of? Give me your suggestions and explain why. (I am just warning you now, do not bother suggesting any Twilight crap, they will not be included)


  1. I know your not going to pick any of my movies because your lame and the class is lame but the best movie in the world is Mean Girls a can say every line along with them. It never gets old, its hilarious, I have problems saw it about 40 something times no lie. I know we talked about this in class but do not forget to add all the STAR WARS I am actually wearing my star wars shirt right now! Because star wars is the best, better than Harry Potter which should be on the list too C: Madea goes to jail is also a very good movie :D I'll stop...

  2. I was first #SWAG

  3. I just watched V for Vendetta and it reminds me of 1984 - even though I've never read the book. It shows how the world can easily be controlled by one person if we give up our freedom for our safety. I liked the story line and the movie kept me up thinking "What if this happened to us for real? What would we do?"

  4. How about twilight? :) jp i hate that movie with a passion, its soooooooooooo gay, gayer than brokeback mountain! anyways you better have the essentials. forest gump, anchorman, star wars. I believe yes man should be in there too. that and bruce almighty, because if you didnt watch those two (two of Jim Carrey's best work), your missin out on "a little thing called life". <-- i got that quote from yes man, see how amazing it is!? also spiderman, just the first one cuz thats the best. add the others if you want. i can go all day Fergie!

  5. And the Dark Knight....It has an awesome story line and I love the line "A hero dies a hero or he lives long enough to watch himself become the villain"
    I think the movie shows that no matter how good you think you are, you always have some evil in you.

  6. One of the best movies I have to say is pursuit of happiness. It is a great movie on how we should never give up on pursuing our dreams plus Will smith is in it. Can't go wrong with any of his movies like hancock, i am a legend, and seven pounds. Also, the bucket list is a very good movie my favorite quote is " we live we die the wheels on the bus go round and round."

  7. Remember the Titans is probably the only good movie I've watched that hasn't been mentioned. I though it was ver inspirational, has a lot of lessons in it, and The Rock(; - Sylvia Williams

  8. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,.... I think it speaks for itself ;-)

  9. Underworld and resident evil cuz they're a couple of the best horror/action movies. Ninjas vs Vampires because it's a movie that's so bad it's funny. A Few Good Men.
    The Blair Witch Project
    Dawn of the Dead and Shaun of the Dead
    The Descent
    I could go on for a while.
    -Krystal Midcap

  10. The Breakfast Club: It's a cult classic and the story is about having things in common with everyone etc.
    Monty Python and the Holy Grail: I can watch it over and over and still laugh as hard as the first time.
    Big Fish
    The Soloist: It's based on a true story and it's accurate too.
    The Sound of Music: If you only watch one musical in your life it should be this one.
    The Lion King
    The Wizard of Oz
    The Butterfly Effect
    Stand By Me
    Pay It Forward
    10 Things I Hate About You
    At least one James Bond movie

    I could keep going but those were the first I thought of :)
    -Lindsey Tonnesen

  11. Ghostbusters too, and austin powers. ballin

  12. Men in black movies!!!! Go will smith! Hilarious movie. Lovin' the part when he thinks the little gun has no power. OMG! Haha. 30 minutes or less is funny too! Must see. Remember the titans is a good movie of that team coming and working together. Harry Potter movies are awesome too, amazing effects and creatures in those movies! I am Legend is also good, giving us another guess of what might happen in the future. Will smith did good in that movie too!

  13. I think that everyone should see Don't be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Juicy in the Hood!! Yep it's a long title but it is the funniest movie ever. You will laugh so hard.
    ~Kayla Barrett

  14. You guys should see My Sister's Keeper. It's kind of a sad movie and it can be a serious problem that in some cases can actually destroy families. When one person in a family has cancer, it's almost as if the whole family struggles with the disease.
    ~Silvia Williams

  15. V for Vendetta; Classical movie of someone fighting for their rights, has a great story line.
    Titanic; Adorable romance, but the ending ticks me off every time because Leonardo DiCaprio did not have to die. -.-
    Batman: Dark Knight; Amazing movie, amazing actors.
    Edward Scissorhands and Sweeney Todd; These movies are just awesome and I've watched them tons of times and will still watch them (:
    Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief: Loved it because of the Greek mythology.
    I could just keep going :D - Alicia Wilson

  16. All Pixar movies especially Wall-e needs to be on this list just because they are all absolutely amazing. The Gladiator has to be on this list because it is simply one of the best movies ever made. Schindler's List, the Pianist, and Defiance need to be on there because they are the three greatest Holocaust movies ever made. Also We Were Soldiers, Black Hawk Down, Full Metal Jacket, and Saving Private Ryan are the four best war movies ever made. Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, and Big Daddy also need to be on there as Adam Sandler's three best movies. Lastly the Boondock Saints needs to be on there just because I think it is the baddest movie ever made.
    -Matthew Greene

  17. There are some great movies on this blog, no doubt. Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Dark Night…. I think, Rocky (all of them), Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the rocky horror picture show, should also be on the list. But full length films aren’t the only thing that should be on the list in my opinion. Television shows have done almost if not as much to shape our culture as films. Shows like M*A*S*H, Cheers, Happy Days, The Cosby Show, Seinfeld, and Friends, should also make the list. – Alex Colling

  18. I think a good movie that should be added to this list is The Green Mile. It was very good when I saw it and had a deeper emotional meaning behind the story. I also liked the movie Taken too.-Brandon Day

  19. Inception, Shutter Island (Both are such deep movies), I Love You Philip Morris (Based on such an amazing story), Borat (The best foreign film spoof ever), X-Men Origins (The best Prologue that I've ever seen), Accepted (One of the best movies about college), Donnie Darko (Just great) , and Napoleon Dynamite (also just great!)

  20. Ready guys? Because here it comes. MY list of great movies that someone must see. It's not going to be the complete list, because I don't have the time or patience to make one yet. But here are the givens. (btw I didn't read anyone else's so I'm sorry if there are repeats)
    - The Shawshank Redemption - The ultimate story of hope and freedom, under the concept that everything will work out in the end. Best line - "Get busy living, or get busy dying."
    - All Harry Potter movies - Good vs. Evil. Right vs. Wrong. The greatest allusion to the daily struggles that life presents us.
    - Star Wars (the originals) - Same concept as Harry Potter movies, Light vs. Dark.
    - The Matrix Trilogy - Question your surroundings, challenge your limits and never let human nature be replaced by machinery. Best line - "There is no spoon."
    - Forrest Gump - Society through the eyes of a simple man. Also shows that if you do the right thing, good things will happen to you. Best line - "I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is."
    - Any Given Sunday - You don't have to even like football to appreciate Al Pacino's speech in this movie.
    - Goodfellas/Casino - Gritty and frightening look into crime, with hilarious moments.
    - Hesher - One of the strangest, most underrated stories I have ever seen. Shows you that life sucks, a lot. But you still have to keep going and living it to the fullest. Best line - "You lost your wife, you lost your mom...I lost my nut."
    - Step Brothers/Anchorman/Zoolander/The Hangovers/Old School/Wedding Crashers/Anything by Will Ferrell and that general group of people - Makes you enjoy the little things in life and not take yourself too seriously. Just have fun.
    - American History X - Equality.
    - Gladiator/Braveheart/300/Troy - Fight for what's right. Never let anyone have your freedom.
    - Dazed and Confused - Just have fun while you're young. Life is too short to squander away the opportunity presented by youth. Make mistakes. Just not too many, or you'll end up like Matthew Mconahoweveryouspellit.
    - The Holy Grail - Monty Python = A must see. Best line - "It's only a flesh wound!"
    - Crash - Everything you do affects somebody else in some way. Make good choices.
    - Big Daddy - Even the biggest screw-up can make a good dad.
    - Yes Man - Try new things.
    Pursuit of Happyness - Work hard and you will succeed. Best line - "Don't ever let anybody tell you that you can't do something. You want something, go get it. Period."
    - Titanic - Corny. But amazing. Love is a powerful thing.
    - Eurotrip - Travel and have fun while you're young.
    - The Bucket List - Go out with a bang.
    - The 40 Year Old Virgin - It's never too late.
    - Funny People - Sometimes the people who make us laugh are the saddest
    - 8 Mile - Just do it.
    - Pay it Forward - Don't like the world? Change it.
    - Terminator 2: Judgement Day - The first one is good, but this one is my favorite.
    - Van Wilder - College.
    - Austin Powers - Just watch them all.
    - Fast and the Furious - Honestly, I'm a fan of all of them. They're just good movies with likable characters.
    - Borat/Bruno - Spoof on how truly ridiculous Americans are.
    - Disturbia - Don't know why, but one of my favorite movies.

    There's way more. Way, way more.
    - Barack Jordan

  21. Uhmmmm..
    Superstar; its a classic and everyone should see will ferrell do the peppergrinder

    into the wild; because its based off of a true story and he gives up everything money and his life after college and lives in alaska

    the usual suspects; because it shows how if you already got into trouble the cops will automatically suspect you. and my cousin said his professors in college referenced that movie.

    ~taylor stephen

  22. Aviator
    and the blindside
    blade(all of them)
    man on fire
    pulp fiction
    the notebook
    breakfast at tiffany's
    fightclub and american psycho like fergie said
    walk the line
    and ladder 59
    the town
    national lampoons vacation

    i could go on forever. hahah
    ~taylor stephen

  23. The God Father - All of them! Scarface! Just classic you have to watch, just because. Fergie, to your Twilight thing I think they are amazing movies d: Personally I could watch Worlds Greatest Dad over & over!

  24. To Barack; Titanic isnt corny. Oh, & I thought of another one. Machine Gun Preacher; powerful movie! Makes you appreciate what you have!

  25. Fight Club
    To add to the list of movies to be reviewd, i would like to suggest Fight Club. This film is a very mind baffleing production. It's one movie that some may watch more than once to grasp the entire concept. The messages that this story reviles may resolve in the viewer questioning intence aspctes of life. This film is very post-moderen in such ways of vering away from traditional esay concept grasping films. Not only is the story great but also the quality of the prodution including the graffics, screenshots, action, ect... are all amazing.
