Sunday, November 13, 2011

There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false.”

We talked briefly about post-modernism when we were reading the "bog" poems by Seamus Heaney. The novel of next semester, Albert Camus' The Stranger is a post modern novel. The new Batman films as well as films such as "Fight Club" and "American Psycho" are also considered Postmodern. But what does that really mean? Where do you see literature and film going as time moves forward? Is there anything left to do? To say? Have humans come to the edge of their creative threshold? Comment. (Also, IB_Fergie is up and running on Twitter)


  1. I don't think there is anything left to do. Yes, God created man with brains, that are meant to hold and create infinite things, but really, the human race is going to end up killing themselves. We have come to the end. I highly doubt that we are gonna see trains in the sky guys, or go to school for 5 minutes, and learn by putting on a helmet with some weird gadgets connected to it. Now, we might get to the flying cars, there is a slight possibility,but otherwise to that,... NO!

  2. There is always going to be stuff to say and do. Who knows, we might realize that all we've learned was wrong and have to change everything again. Humans will constantly be thinking about what we already know and trying to prove it being true or not. The Big bang theory is just a theory but I'm sure that people are in their little lab coats trying to prove it and turn it into a law. I think the creative threshold is infinite and that we will be constantly thinking of new things.

  3. There is never an ending to what humans have to say and do. The world continues and humans continue their lives. I see literature and everything getting greater by the minute. We will learn new things as the years go by. I think humans creative threshold continues on and like Maryam said it's infinite.

  4. People are always going to be creative and expand off of others ideas in the future but I think we are coming to an end because look at the movies they have been making most of them are remakes and they are planning on remaking the spider man movies and how old are those, they are bringing comics to life and not taking and writing an original plot and script. Look at all the new books coming out as soon as twilight got big a lot of people made vampire love stories just because twilight got big and they think theirs will too. And making books into movies we are just taking the concept and turning it into someone else's so I do think we are coming to a creative end, -Taylor Stephen

  5. The human race will BELIEVE that they keep creating new things, but in reality they're just recycling the past. Fashion and style are the same way. People think they came up with something, but it was also popular back in the 80s. Technology will overcome and we will have nothing else to create. Our imagination will most likely become instinct because the computers are thinking for us now. As DeYauna said, The human race is going to end up killing itself.

  6. I think that literature and movies will continue moving in a postmodernistic attitude even if they are just remakes, writers will add postmodernistic ideas to them. This means that as time moves forward so will the postmodernism movement and more people will stop viewing the world as so cut and dry and start questioning the everything we thought that we knew such as life and death. Of course there is stuff left to do in literature and movies because different philosophies influence different types of artistic works and as new philosophies emerge so will new artistic ideas and works. I think that humans have an infinite capacity for creativity and that our creative threshold will continue for years to come.
    -Matthew Greene

  7. Humans will creAte new things until the world ends. There is no limit. Things such as issues, and fashion trends may repeat forever and ever but it will be different everytime. Post modernism will get more and more unreal, and triditional may come back in style, but it will all be new and different. We can go very far with creatition. literatur and films will get more and more high tech and the stories will get better and better. There is no edge to our creative threasholds.

  8. Postmodernism is a late 20th-century style in the arts, architecture, and criticism that represents a departure from modernism. This means that our work is never done and what we have created for ourselves will consume us for eternity. I think literature and film will change in a more negative way in that they will become more crude and stray more and more from civilized values and literature will become more crude and absurd. I feel there is nothing we can say or do to influence our future films and literature. I do not think the creative threshold will ever be capped but will continue to expand. Brandon Day

  9. If you look how far we've come already there is no reason that that can't be doubled in the future. There will always be new themes and cultures to write about. We can't really do anything about it, the world is going to keep changing. Similarly creativity isn't going to end, maybe the way we look at it will but I think it will always be there.
    -Lindsey Tonnesen

  10. Creativity won't stop. As time goes by and beliefs and technology change new ideas will arise and will be told by the authors and poets. It might seem like we've come to a standstill with our creativity, but it just takes one change to make everyone think a bit outside the box. Originality might die out, but people will always find ways to twist plots and themes into a new creation.
    -Krystal Midcap

  11. I feel as though much of what can be done has already been done. As for Literature and Film, we've seen it all, now they are repeating themselves as far as meanings, they just have different deatils. Also authors and poets now a days have a tendency to write on what they feel we want, instead of what they feel, like in the olden days. This is what's holding most back. - Sylvia Williams

  12. I think creativity is never ending. Even though some ideas may be better than others. Technology increases as time goes on, so creativity will be influenced by that. I also agree with everything Maryam said, she is completely right. I see literature and films moving forward also. Writers will think of new ideas that will blow our mind, just like how it has all these years.

  13. Even though some movies have similar plots and predictable endings you do have those editors of movies every once in awhile who have more of a creative background for their movie. It may appear as though creativity as a whole may be coming to a halt, but we just have to be patient until someone comes along and puts their ideas and beliefs out in the open. - Alicia Wilson

  14. I beliveve that as time goes on people will become more creative with thier ideas and try to challenge everything that is considered truth. Truth will become an ongoing negotiation. There are still many things left to be challenge so i believe that more films and books will be science fiction until scientists and other people start to create their long chains of "what if" statements.
    -Kayla Barrett

  15. I believe post modern describes how peoples' views and beliefs were changed and affected by the sudden rise in technology and the occurrence of wars. I see literature and film as becoming more diluted in the future, due to censors and less creative ways of thinking due to new technology. I still think there are many things to do just some people aren't creative enough to think them up yet or say them. Once again, people just need to get away from technology in order for their creativeness to show.

  16. Literature disappears as we continue to make movies. We focus more into the important factors of the movies, which is the action and how funny it is! Who needs to watch a movie that makes you think what's going on when they can make movies that just let you watch women shooting a gun while making out with Jason Staham? Our creativeness increases. Not in any intellectual way, but a way in which entertains us easily like 3D and curving bullets. <--- name that movie! Gmoney says end transmission!

  17. People are just trying to create something new to get more attention. They try and make films that question our reality and understanding, but they require no talent or creativity. It's recycled garbage that we continue to spend all of our time, money, and energy on. There's no point to half of it and I despise people who try to seem deep just so they can seem deep. Creativity and originality don't exist. - Barack Jordan

  18. I don't think there is nothing else new to make. They keep trying to make something new but it always relations to something and it sucks like Charles said "recycle garbage" that describes it perfectly. I think old literature is going to fade away in the future and people are going to forget about what real literature was and have some fake "in depth" recycled garbage literature. I agree with Charles with his last sentence to an extent "Creativity and Originality don't exist" ANYMORE. I think at one time they did.

  19. The true meaning of things are being lost. Literature is not moving forward very much because todays society is more interested in the visual affects more than what the movie may actual mean. We are to lazy to try and look deeper into the movie and most people could really care less anymore. I don't think that we have come to an end of creativeness just because people never stop thinking. There is always gonna be some crack head out there thinking of new things to display but the style is way different then it use to be.
